Health Benefits of Using Concrete as a Flooring Material

Specific to new concrete floors, most people focus on aesthetics. While appearance is important, as is functionality, there is something else that you should consider. Floors made of concrete offer numerous health benefits not associated with other flooring materials, such as carpeting, hardwood, and so on.

Top Health Benefits

Especially if there are people living in the home who struggle with allergies and/or asthma, a new concrete floor is the perfect solution. When properly installed and sealed, concrete is extremely easy to clean and maintain. For that reason, you would not have to mess with the buildup of dust and pollen. In addition, a concrete floor does not provide an environment where dust mites thrive. Concrete also does not trap allergens, helping eliminate allergy-related symptoms, like sneezing, sniffling, watery eyes, and coughing.

Even the air quality in your home will improve with concrete flooring. When there is mold in a home, people experience headaches, respiratory infections, compromised immune systems, and more. Remember, mold thrives on organic material, like carpeting and hardwood, but not on concrete. Therefore, concrete flooring does not support mold growth.

One issue that you may not be aware of is that indoor air pollution ranks as one of the top five environmental dangers, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If you and your family spend a great deal of time indoors, everyone will be healthier overall by having concrete flooring instead of carpeting or hardwood.

Another health benefit has to do with mental attitude. It has been proven time that a bright room with a lot of natural light helps brighten a person’s outlook. Choosing the correct color or finish for your floor, such as polished concrete, will brighten the room and can make your family feel happier.

One additional health benefit has to do with having an energy-efficient radiant-in-floor heating system installed with your concrete floors. With this combination, there is less risk of people becoming sick due to cold rooms during the winter.